Introducing the Rebirth System
Jan 2, 2014
What is the Rebirth System?

Level 83 characters that have achieved 100% experience points are eligible for rebirth.

How is my character reincarnated?

1. Visit [Tarot Reader] Mackin in Moradon Castle and he will provide the three necessary credentials.
2. When you have completed the 3 missions and provided all credentials, you will receive the Qualification of Rebirth.
3. Deliver the Qualification of Rebirth to [Tarot Reader] Mackin and reincarnation will occur after points are distributed.

The following credentials will need to be provided in order to complete the Rebirth process...

1st Credential. - Proof of Experience - Prove that you have the highest level of experience by showing you have 100% EXP at Level 83.
2nd Credential. - Proof of Goods - Prove your wealth by providing 100,000,000 Noah.
3rd Credential. - Proof of Fame - Prove your national contribution by providing 10,000 Points.

After the Rebirth process is complete the character's level 83 is kept, but EXP is initialized at 0%. The Rebirth symbol will appear above the character's name.

Rebirth is available in up to 5 stages (EXP bar will be shown in purple after rebirth). +2 Resurrection points are given each time. It is possible to redo all quests and missions with the exception of Bilbor's Gift, Attempt To Rescue, transfers, skill and new companion quests.

NTTGame || Knight Online Team

Rebirth Sistemi Nedir?

83 Level %100 EXP kazanmış karakterler Rebirth Sistemi'nden yararlanabilir.

Karakterimi nasıl Reankarne edebilirim?

1. Tarot Reader Mackin'e gidin. Size gereken 3 aşamalı görevi verecektir. 
2. Her üç görevi de tamamladığınızda Qualification of Rebirth eşyasını edineceksiniz.
3. Qualification of Rebirth eşyasını tekrar [Tarot Reader] Mackin'e iletin ve reankarnasyon puanlarınızı karakterinize ekleyeceğiniz ekrandan seçim yapabilirsiniz.

Rebirth esnasında yapmanız gerekenler

1. Görev: Proof of Experience: 83 Level ve %100 experience sahip olmalısınız. 
2. Görev: Proof of Goods: 100,000,000 Noah'a sahip olmalısınız.
3. Görev: Proof of Fame: 10.000 Nation Point'e sahip olmalısınız.

Rebirth işleminden sonra 83 Level %0 olacaksınız. Karakterinizin üzerinde de rebirth simgesi çıkacaktır.

Rebirth sonrasında birçok görevi tekrar yapabilirsiniz. (Bilbor's Gift, Attempt to Rescue vb dışında)

NTTGame || Knight Online Team