New Servers Are Now Open!
Nov 17, 2022

Hello everyone,

New servers Agartha, Pandora and Felis servers opened on 17 November at 16:00!

If you want to make a fresh start on new servers, now it's time because new servers are open to everyone.

We will explain to you the steps you need to follow to log in to new servers, and you can start on this adventure by completing your new server registration in a very short time.

It will not be enough to have an NTT Game account to log in to new servers, you need to complete a special registration process in a few steps with your NTT Game account to log in to new servers.

1- To start the new server registration process, go to the Knight Online homepage and log in with your NTT Game account.

Knight Online Home Page

2- After logging in you have to click the 'REGISTER FOR NEW SERVERS!' button.

If you click this button without logging in with your NTT Account, you will see the log-in window, please log in with the NTT Game account you want to register to the new servers and click this button again.

If the OTP/ICS system is active in your account, you can proceed directly to step 3 by passing the OTP/ICS step below.

If you click this button, you will see ​“There is no active OTP/ICS in your account. Please enable OTP/ICS and try again later.” If the warning comes, you need to activate the OTP/ICS system for your account.

You can click on the link below to register with the OTP/ICS system with your NTT Game account.

3- If you have an active OTP/ICS in your account and you have clicked the new server registration button, the validation window will appear. After typing your country code and phone number information in this window, click the 'SEND VALIDATION CODE' button.

- Only one phone number can be used per NTT Game account for new server registration, you cannot register new servers with more than one account using one phone number.

- The phone number you used during the new server registration DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THE SAME as the SMS verification or the number used in the OTP/ICS system, which is required to activate the trade function for the game.

4- Type the validation code sent to your phone number in the window below and click the 'VALIDATE & REGISTER' button.

Congratulations! Your registration is complete in order to login to the new server. Our next step to login to new servers will be server selection.

5- In order to log in to new servers, you have to select the server you want to enter, click the 'CHOOSE SERVER' button in the window where the registration process is completed for server selection.

Note: Accounts with phone numbers registered outside of Turkey (+90) will need to be manually verified by a GM. This process may take up to 1 day. You can not choose a server before the account is verified.

6- Click on the 'SEND VALIDATION CODE' button in the window that will appear, which will allow you to receive a verification code to the phone number you used to register with the new servers.

7- After typing the verification code sent to your phone, you can select your server and click the 'VALIDATE & REGISTER' button to complete your new server registration.

If you create a character on Agartha, Pandora and Felis servers, you cannot change the server you have chosen, so we recommend that you make sure of the server you want to play on before creating a character.
You can change the server you choose up to one time.

Have fun!
NTT Game | Knight Online Team